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Out With the Old and In With the New

Out With the Old and In With the New


I’m a little lost for words. I have been sitting here 45 minutes now, and pondering for months on how to announce our news... or if we should.

Quite frankly, I still don’t know.

But one thing I do know is that we have always kept it real, honest and authentic as possible in our 4 short years, no matter the risk or consequence. There’s no denying it’s been unfathomably hard and almost broken both me, my team, our morale, morals and bank account, MANY times - but in the same breath, it’s been so damn easy. Weird right?!

Passion and dedication are some incredible things - and when together, a force to be reckoned with - much like Few and Far Co. And the best part, they attract each other. Which I believe is how I have created the ultimate team and how we have attracted the amazing opportunity that has recently presented itself - and the one that we have taken.

This said, we are sorry to be these guys (and girls) but we can’t announce what exactly - but what we can announce is that as of 12:01am JANUARY 2018, we will be taking our first “holiday” in 4 years, and returning February 1, 2018 as the BEST version of FEW AND FAR COLLECTIVE that we can be.

We have worked in-closely with other like-minded, hardworking and dedicated individuals (note: not companies) behind-the-scenes for the last few months working and refining not only our products, but our structure and model - one that will allow us to grow and reach our true potential.

This said, we have a studio full of stock that we have to clear as when we return in February, 2018, we will have all brand new garments and packaging.

I’m rambling now because I’m so excited so will spare you and pick up where I left off another day. So for now, I’ll end on 2 things.

1. For those who have asking or worrying if we are closing down - don’t be silly. We are here to stay and you know know this. And for a bit of fun and to completely squash it, we have decided to release a few of our new ‘Artist Series’ pieces early (at our new prices) as we thought you might appreciate them for the holiday season... or presents!

2. Since we will be returning with new & improved custom garments, EVERYTHING in our store has to go - and has now marked off with 30% 40% 50% 65% SALE price until it’s gone - and once it’s gone, that is it. You’ve been warned and we mean it. Sale... starts... NOW!

Lastly, thank you for believing and supporting - it means the fucking world - and without you, we wouldn’t be here and for this we are forever grateful. 2017 has been amazing but already ain’t got nothing on '18.


Much love,
Few and Far Collective

(Video Credit: @lukehackner)

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